Who I Am

About me

why I choose consulting

Hello, my real name is Abdulrahman Kilani. When I was younger, my parents used to say, “You have to become a doctor and help people. Education is crucial, so you must go to school and university.” This advice is common among middle-class families. They often envision a life of success through medicine without necessarily exploring other professions. While I couldn’t deny my family’s wishes entirely, I decided to take a different approach. Instead of pursuing traditional medical practice, I embarked on a journey to become a business strategy online consultant. My passion lies in solving business challenges and providing solutions to entrepreneurs and business owners.

My journey to becoming a business strategy online consultant has been filled with challenges and determination. I embarked on a path where I honed my skills and expertise through relentless learning and hard work. From designing this website to crafting its logo, every aspect of my online presence reflects my dedication and passion for what I do. I take immense pride in the fact that I have acquired a diverse set of skills, fueled by a genuine love for various hobbies. Whether it’s business strategy, web development, or even karate and music, you’ll find me here, ready to assist you in every possible way. I am the driving force behind this venture, and I am eager to leverage my expertise to help you achieve remarkable success in your endeavors.


Skills & Actions


Embarking on my journey to become a pro counselor wasn't a stroll in the park. Picture this: me, Abdulrahman, diving headfirst into the sea of knowledge. I wasn't just learning, I was devouring info like it was my daily dose of coffee. 🕶️
Courses? Oh yeah, I collected 'em like Pokémon cards. Big-shot consultants? I had them on speed dial. I even wrangled web development into submission, crafting websites that make other sites jealous. 💻


No cap, I built this gig from ground zero. No trust fund, just trust in my hustle. They call me Buddy – not because I'm everyone's pal (well, I am pretty friendly), but because I'm your partner in crime for all things business strategy. Think of me as the Batman to your Gotham City dreams.
And guess what? I'm not a one-trick pony. I juggle hobbies like a circus act – business strategy, web magic, heck, even music. So, if you need a savvy consultant and a good laugh (or a sick guitar solo), I'm your guy. Let's turn your business story into a legend. 🚀
Out of 5

Buddy, you are a game-changer! Your strategic insights and expertise have revolutionized my business. Thanks to your guidance, we’ve achieved remarkable results and taken our success to new heights. Your dedication, passion, and unwavering support have been instrumental in steering us toward greatness. You truly are a business strategy sidekick extraordinaire! I’m beyond grateful to have you on my team. Here’s to many more triumphs together!

John Oliver
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